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Former Refugees and Humanitarians Celebrate Martin Luther King’s Legacy

Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy is one of trailblazing a path for peace, justice, love and acceptance of all people regardless of race, nationality or religion. To honor Dr. King’s legacy and to learn how his words continue to inspire, refugees and refugee advocates in the United States shared their favorite Dr. King quote and how it fuels their work.

Lauren Negrete (pictured above, right) who has worked on USA for UNHCR’s Major Gifts team for more than five years shared her favorite quote, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” She has had the opportunity to meet with refugees from around the world as well as deepen relationships with caring Americans standing with refugees every day.

“This quote inspires me to pursue justice and challenges me to use my voice, energy and skills to face injustice because ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ Throughout my career working abroad and stateside, the legacy of Dr. King’s teachings fire my passion to stand up for those who are being treated unjustly or having their rights taken away from them. With great challenge, comes great reward, and I don’t want to be silent about pursuing what’s right.”