Our Donors
© USA for UNHCR/Nicholas Feeney

USA for UNHCR donors and supporters advocate for refugees

USA for UNHCR’s supporters and partners are passionate advocates for and with refugees across a wide range of communities and issues connected to forced displacement. Leading with refugees’ stories and lived experience, USA for UNHCR serves a key role in keeping donors and supporters informed about the most critical policies impacting refugee communities overseas and here at home.  

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, our leaders raised awareness about the need for refugees to be included in all national vaccine plans. With the catastrophic impacts of climate change increasing every year, the dangers to people forced to flee are even more dire and life-threatening. USA for UNHCR draws attention to this issue and supports urgent and decisive action to combat climate change. We support the United States’ commitment to a robust level of annual refugee admissions, and under international refugee law, support the right of refugees and asylum-seekers to be protected and have their claims heard, around the globe, including those approaching the U.S. southern border.

Between 2021 and 2022, USA for UNHCR donors and supporters expressed support and solidarity with these and other issues over 98,000 times – yet another example of our compassionate community raising their voices in support of refugees.